
The "Dream STEM Team" of LYBS High School
燎原高中国际课程班的DP项目,是燎原面向未来的教育体系,也是燎原成为IB一贯制学校的重要组成部分,由具有30年教育经验,包括15年IB领域资深经验的Antony GERALIS总校长带队,资深的学术管理团队和经验丰富的中外籍师资团共同组成。其中这群MIT、斯坦福和剑桥理工科专业毕业的老师们,在他们当中,你可以找到隐藏的STEM "梦之队"!

The DP curriculum at LYBS High School - English Division, as an important part of LYBS' efforts to become a future-oriented and  continuum IB world school, is led by international Head of School Antony Geralis, who has 30 years of experience in education, including 15 years of experience in IB World Schools, a senior academic management team, and a team of experienced Chinese and foreign teachers. Among them you can find hidden the STEM "Dream Team"!

As the Academic Principal of LYBS High School - English Division, Dr. Su has led the team to build a science curriculum that blends the strengths of both Western and Chinese education systems, based on years of front-line teaching experience in the United States and China. During the past few years of teaching, she has helped students adapt to inquiry-based learning, developed their mathematical thinking skills by being concept-driven and insisted on no brush-ups or test-taking training, which has resulted in substantial improvements in student performance overall.

When she returned to China from the US as an expatriate academic principal of a leading U.S. school and worked as a regional director to supervise six schools on curriculum building, she gained a deep understanding of international instructional management in a Chinese cultural context. The international curriculum is vigorous according to students from traditional school backgrounds and full of academic English language challenges. Dr. Su understands the psychology of student learning and carefully designs classroom activities to effectively help students improve their academic language skills.
Mr. Woo相信 "教育不是装满一桶水,而是点燃一把火",每个学生都在等待合适的季节开花。Mr. Woo自小在新西兰长大,是新西兰奥克兰理工大学高中数学教学的研究生。他认为LYBS是一个充满变化的地方。在来到燎原的5年间,他观察到,LYBS在5年内从一所 "普通 "学校变成了一所IB一贯制学校,从只有一个校区的学校变成了有多个校区和幼儿园的学校。引用Leo Buscaglia的话,"改变是所有真正学习的最终结果",他希望LYBS的学生能与LYBS一起改变,最终成为终身学习者和全球公民。

Mr. Woo believes that "education is not about filling a bucket, but lighting a fire" and that each student is waiting for the right season to blossom. He himself grew up in New Zealand and completed a Masters of education in high school mathematics at Auckland University of Technology. He sees LYBS as a place of change. In the 5 years he has been working at LYBS High School - English Division, he has observed that the school shifting from a "regular" school to an IB continuum school; from a school with one campus to a school with multiple campuses and kindergartens just in 5 years. To quote Leo Buscaglia, "change is the end result of all true learning," and he hopes that LYBS students will change with their school and ultimately become lifelong learners and global citizens.
“我的观点是,STEM教育应该强调计算机科学是STEM的核心和最有力的方面。除了计算机科学本身的重要性外,计算机正在改变科学和数学的所有领域。通过学习计算机科学,学生们获得了一种独立的技能,以及对许多其他领域做出贡献的能力。”负责教授科学的Brian Patrick Devlin老师说。他很期待在明年的DP课堂,可能和学生们一起探索人工智能的奥妙或者在苹果商店上架学生们自己的APP。

"My view is that STEM education should emphasize computer science at its core as the most powerful aspect of STEM. In addition to theimportance of computer science itself, computers are transforming all areas ofscience and mathematics. By studying computer science, students gain an independent skills set and the ability to contribute to many other fields." said Brian Patrick Devlin. He is looking forward to next year's DP classrooms, possibly searching for data in artificial intelligence basis with his students or developing a small mobile app and publishing it in the Android store with them.

These experienced educators and more, all of whom have extensive experience in teaching, learning, assessment and administration, including curriculum design and development, will prepare our DP students in classrooms full of new and challenging experiences.

"Spiraling" STEM Curriculum

Sciences, social sciences, mathematics, STEM subjects are spiraled and deepened in the LYBS High School - English Division science curriculum. The curriculum is designed to help students at build a solid foundation in the subjects they are studying.

At LYBS, students begin to develop their scientific literacy and mindset in elementary school through the continuum IB education that integrated Chinese National Curriculum, and continues to build and deepen their subject knowledge and skills in middle school. In high school, this advantage is best exploited, and through STEM education, students are able to multiply their competitiveness for further study abroad.

不少学生反应对于课程主要障碍在于“语言”,由于科学课程大量的专业词汇,令一些学生望而怯步。不过,在燎原高中国际课程班,IB DP项目中的OLC学习优化体系能够帮助学生顺利度过语言难关。
Many students claim that the main barrier is "language", and that the wide range of specialized vocabulary in the science curriculum can be a deterrent for some of them. However, the Optimal Learning Center (OLC) LYBS High School - English Division helps students to overcome the language barrier.


The Optimal Learning Center (OLC) is “manned” by highly experienced and qualified Chinese educators to support students inside and outside the classrooms in Individuals & Societies, Science, and Arts related subjects, so that they can smoothly transition to the requirements of our international curriculum and be successful.