浦东学乐星 | 把课堂搬进森林,让教育回归自然
浦东学乐星 | 把课堂搬进森林,让教育回归自然


Nature always provides us with the best place for sensory learning, which awaits us there as long we are willing to approach it. The wonderful combination of natural education and ecological environment offers children more opportunities to experience the fun of learning through exploration, discovery, imagination and creation.


At the turn of spring and summer, the passion of summer fills the air. We caught up with the end of spring, taking the children to Shanghai Gongqing Forest Park to feel the beauty of nature.


Before the trip, the teachers learned about the children's experience of Gongqing Forest Park through investigation. They also discussed with the children the safety and environmental protection precautions in the trip through conversation.


All set, the children headed for the park in high spirits with overflowing inner joy...


They happily walked along the path with vigorous steps and bursts of laughter. Children observed the dancing petals, the insects under the trees and the small wild flowers blooming on the grass. Nature served as the most vivid classroom for children! What's more, the fresh air made everyone feel refreshed and relaxed...

Forest Train


Taking the forest train was one of the children's favorite experience projects. The small train passed through the most forest-like place in the whole park, with densely covered trees and only one railway winding forward. Tourists would have a feeling of entering the primeval jungle.


Challenge Games


We've all seen and laughed over a lot of challenges and games on TV,  with the imagination that we could do it ourselves one day. Today, we have designed three games with the theme of "Endurance", "Balance" and "Tacit Understanding" based on children's abilities. Everyone needed to contribute to the survival of his or her class. The completion of each task would affect the difficulty of the final game. Collective honor needed to be defended by every child.


Food Sharing Session
玩累了,赶快补充一下能量!幼儿园为孩子们准备了丰盛的食物,大家吃的津津有味! 补充能量,迎接接下来的任务。

Getting exhausted after playing? It's time to replenish energy! X.L.X has prepared abundant food for the children, and everyone enjoyed it with relish!


Forest Sketch


Our research story is unfolding in this beautiful forest park. I'm going to draw it down~


Here, children can see with their own eyes the shape of trees and grass. Focusing on observation and real feelings, they can smell, touch, and take a closer look at the plant. Flowers and trees became more lively in children's depiction. Children were intoxicated with the world of painting.

孩子们时而细心观察~ 时而静静思考~ 时而专注作画~时而窃窃私语~他们认真专注的样子好似一位小画家,笔下的每一个线条、每一抹色彩都更接近于内心真实的写照。瞧!孩子们都在认真的绘画,猜猜孩子们都画了什么呢?

The children observed, contemplated, concentrated on their paintings, and whispered ~  The earnest and attentive appearance made them small painters, and every line and color produced by the brush imitated the true portrayal of their hearts. Look! The children were busy painting. Guess what they were painting?


Works full of innocence and creativity demonstrated the colorful spring. The children couldn't wait to show and introduce their works to their peers, and their faces were filled with happiness and pride.


Go with expectation and return with harvest. In the sound of "click", children's smiling faces and figures are reserved in this beautiful scenery.


This research activity opened the door for children to head for independence, stimulated their desire to further explore the forest and fields, as well as the hills and shrubs. Children enjoyed pure freedom during playing, laying a solid foundation for future development.