2021 LYBS “大师课”国际夏令营报名开启
2021 LYBS “大师课”国际夏令营报名开启
What will you be doing just before the new school year? Are you up to next year’s challenge? Do you want to learn from the experts? Two weeks of intensive hands on learning have been prepared especially for you!
学习是一场“终身“的旅程,我们在旅程中不断发现自我,并持之以恒地攀登。在燎原终身学习者社区,我们引导学生培养学习习惯、掌握方法技巧、构建思维模式。2021 LYBS “大师课”国际夏令营报名开启,邀你一起去探索“知识的旅程”,奔赴星辰大海!
Learning is a life-long ‘journey that is a dynamic and continuous effort for development, transformation and reculturing. In LYBS‘ life-long learning community, we guide students to develop learning habits, focusing on skills development, and building capacities. The 2021 LYBS “International Summer Camp with experts” is now accepting application. We invite you to explore “this education journey“ to a destination of your choice.

“大师课”国际夏令营为学生准备进入国际高中(包括IBDP课程,IGCSE,A-Levels, AP和其他的国际高中课程)需要具备的核心素养提供桥梁课程,同时提供丰富且具有挑战性的活动,让学生能够备受鼓舞且乐在其中。“大师课”国际夏令营由顶尖的专家团队(包括但不仅限于哈佛、斯坦福、剑桥等知名学府毕业的资深教育者们),为学生们提供丰富的拓展知识和能够提高其核心能力的必备技能,增强他们的自信心,为支持他们踏上各自的高中旅程做好知识和能力的双重储备。
Our summer programme prepares and provides students with a jump-start to international high school programmes such as IBDP courses, IGCSE, A-Levels, AP or other high school programmes along with lots of fun activities that are energizing and soothing. It is delivered and run by expert teacher having studies at Harvard, Stanford, Cambridge and other renowned institutions to expand their knowledge and boost confidence. Students will develop and enhance skills that will support them as they embark on their own high school journey.
Our summer camp provides an authentic experience that is transferrable to all international programmes in just 2 weeks, from concepts application, skills development to content acquisition.

我们复刻了IB DP课程的体验。IB DP作为含金量最高的国际课程,与其他课程最大区别在于,它的学习方式及内容从不局限于课本和科目,而是让学生能够成为终身学习者,从而发展“全球胜任力”的核心思维素养。它独到的理念框架、思维模式、学习技巧等可适用兼容于中国国家课程、AP、A-LEVEL等任何课程,它将学生现在正在学习的课程以“语言与文学研究、个体与社会、数学、艺术学科、科学学科、语言习得”这六大类目进行分类,从提出问题出发,以全新的视角、批判性思维去探究我们所学习的内容。它从不机械的灌输,并赋予学生自主学习、思考的技巧,培养他们以辩证的角度看待现实生活中的实际问题。
We replicate the IB DP experience. This is a highly prestigious programme that is different to any other programme that it’s not limited to the knowledge to be learnt and textbooks, but enables students to become lifelong learners, so that they can develop "global competencies" and face challenges for a better life in the future. The curriculum framework, mindset development and learning approaches can be transferred to any other curriculum, such as National Curriculum, A-Level, etc. The IB DP is categorized into six subject groups, including language and literature, language acquisition, individuals and societies, science, mathematics and the arts. Students begin their learning journey by asking questions and inquiring, then to reflect on what they have learnt from various perspectives to develop critical thinking and the nature of knowledge. IB DP empowers students to acquire the skills to learn and think on their own, as well as develop a dialectical perspective on real world issues.

学术不止 探究不止
The “International Summer Camp with experts” will guide students how to do researches to write essays with a lead IB examiner; how to conduct research on rocket launching with a Stanford graduate teacher; how to explore NBA basketball scheduling rules from a maths prospective; how to initiate a business plan starting with a business idea, and much more! It’s more than academics and goes beyond inquiry.

好奇无尽 体验无尽
There is an old saying that scenery creates emotion. Remembering a thing, often accompanied by a visualized situation at the time, so when seeing something, hearing a word, visualizing a scene can help recall memories. Learning is a similar approach. Students have to have access to a lot of lot of information every day, but when the content is pale and weak, even by muscle memory for familiarity, the knowledge cannot stay with them for a long time and will be faded and replaced by new and fresh content, not to mention the flexibility to apply this knowledge in real life.

In the “International Summer Camp with experts”, when students study art, they will visit exhibitions with teachers and have a dialogue with century-old buildings, feel the depth of art and culture, and understand their influence in the context of an era; when students are blind about their future university choices, our professional counselors will guide them on how to take an initiative and plan their future; when students are interested in sports, we offer sports such as sailing, rock climbing and skateboarding to encourage them to be cooperative and risk-takers! The opportunities to develop their curiosity are endless and the experiences are in abundance.


中文/英文 - 语言与文学
Chinese / English Language & Literature
Chinese/ English Language Acquisition

Business Management & Economics

Science Project

The Arts
Extended Essay / Theory of Knowledge
Learning by Doing (CAS)

University Counselling
Physical Education



Business Management & Economics

Business management is a rigorous, challenging and dynamic discipline. The role of businesses, as distinct from other organizations and actors in a society, is to produce and sell goods and services that meet human needs and wants by organizing resources. Profit-making, risk-taking and operating in a competitive environment characterize most business organizations. More specifically, the course studies business functions, management processes and decision-making in contemporary contexts of strategic uncertainty. It examines how business decisions are influenced by factors internal and external to an organization, and how these decisions impact upon its stakeholders, both internally and externally. Business management also explores how individuals and groups interact within an organization, how they may be successfully managed and how they can ethically optimize the use of resources in a world with increasing scarcity and concern for sustainability. During the Business Management Course, students will have the opportunity to take a hands-on and creative approach to business while also becoming familiar with the process of starting with a business idea, and then develop a business plan which will present to their peers and family.
Economics is an exciting, dynamic subject that allows students to develop an understanding of the complexities and interdependence of economic activities in a rapidly changing world. At the heart of economic theory is the problem of scarcity. While the world’s population has unlimited needs and wants, there are limited resources to satisfy these needs and wants. As a result of this scarcity, choices have to be made. The choices made by economic agents (consumers, producers and governments) generate positive and negative outcomes and these outcomes affect the relative well-being of individuals and societies. As a social science, economics examines these choices through the use of models and theories. During the course, students will learn about the basics of economics, such as the scope and social nature of economics, economic systems, positive and normative economic decision-making. Students will be introduced to central economics concepts such as: Sustainability, Change, Scarcity, Choice, Efficiency, Equity, Economic well-being, Interdependence, and Intervention.
Extended Essay / Theory of Knowledge

An extended research paper offers the opportunity for students to investigate a topic of special interest, in the form of a long piece of independent research. Students select an area of research from one of their chosen subjects and become acquainted with the independent research and writing skills expected at university. This leads to a major piece of formally presented, structured writing, in which ideas and findings are communicated in a reasoned and coherent manner, appropriate to the subject chosen. It is intended to promote high-level research and writing skills, intellectual discovery and creativity. As an authentic learning experience, the essay provides students with an opportunity to engage in personal research on a topic of choice, under the guidance of a supervisor. During the Summer Programme, students will have the opportunity to put into practice some of the most important aspects of writing an extended research paper by developing a research question, outlining the essay, and evaluating sources to be used.

Theory of knowledge (ToK) is fundamentally about critical thinking and inquiry into the process of knowing rather than about learning a specific body of knowledge. The course examines the nature of knowledge and how we know what we claim to know. It does this by encouraging students to analyse knowledge claims and explore questions about the construction of knowledge. The role of ToK is to emphasize connections between areas of shared knowledge and link them to personal knowledge in such a way that an individual becomes more aware of their own perspectives and how they might differ from others.
Learning by Doing (CAS)

We put a premium on arranging experiential learning activities both inside and outside the classroom. For our second week's field trip, we will go to Zhujiajiao in Qingpu district to conduct a garbage pick-up while learning about and interacting with vital ecosystems. After lunch, students will study the basics of sailing and apply what they learned in a supervised environment in the water. The trip will conclude with a guided reflection and open discussion on what skills we demonstrated and how we may work to improve our communication, self-management, and leadership in the future.

LYBS Building 6 – 2nd Floor, LYBS Sports field, Excursion locations
The programme spreads over two weeks, from Monday to Friday.
项目持续2周(8月16日至8月27日),周一至周五8:00am 至 4:30pm.
Students will be required to bring their own device (laptop or iPad/tablet). Wifi will be available on campus.
20-60 current G9, G10 students