Drama Performance Review
Ten high school students, a classic work of British literature, and a semester’s worth of after-school rehearsals; what will happen when these elements are brought together? The answer, at least this year, is LYBS High School English - Division’s production of The Canterbury Tales, which was staged on June 4th. As one of the arts courses, the drama class not only enhances students' language skills, but also enriches their individual expression, communication and collaboration skills through the performance. Drama is a comprehensive subject that is highly valued by universities in international education, and drama supports students to present their best selves in a global arena.
Adapted from English Literary Classic
图片《坎特伯雷故事》The Canterbury Tales 图源:网络
此次公演的戏剧《坎特伯雷故事》(The Canterbury Tales)是由杰弗雷·乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer)的经典作品改编的。原著《坎特伯雷故事集》是一部诗体短篇小说集,叙述朝圣者一行会聚在“泰巴旅店”,这些朝圣者有骑士、商人、手工艺者、医生、家庭主妇等当时英国社会各个阶层的人士,他们准备前往坎特伯雷去朝拜。
The play The Canterbury Tales is an adaptation of Geoffrey Chaucer's classic work of the same name. The original "The Canterbury Tales" is a collection of short stories in verse, narrating the meeting of a party of pilgrims: knights, merchants, craftsmen, doctors, housewives and other people from all walks of English society, preparing to make the journey to Canterbury.

杰弗里·乔叟 (Geoffrey Chaucer)
Chaucer is recognized as one of the greatest poets of medieval England, the so-called "father of English poetry.” His short stories are divided by subject matter, including love and chivalric adventure, religious and moral admonition, animal fables, and other major categories with a wide range of content, both elegant and vulgar, sacred and profound.

“此次公演我们从短篇故事集中所选的五个故事是《女祭司的故事》、《巴斯之妻的故事》、《富兰克林的故事》、《厨师的故事》和《赦免者的故事》。”燎原高中戏剧老师Thomas Hood介绍说。
“It dramatizes 5 tales told by a diverse group of pilgrims headed to the English town of Canterbury, to pray at the shrine of St. Thomas Becket. The five selected tales are The Prioress’ Tale, The Wife of Bath’s Tale, The Franklin’s Tale, The Cook’s Tale, and the Pardoner’s Tale.” Thomas Hood, LYBS High School – English Division Drama teacher introduced.

Nine students from the junior level and one senior student impressed their peers and teachers with their authentic English expressions and infectious character interpretations on stage. The performance was also the first public performance from Liaoyuan High School’s English Division in over a year, signifying that the high school drama program will enter a new phase next semester, from teaching and research to presentation of results.
The Canterbury Tales
Albert Walker - Lights
Zoe Zhao - Stage Manager
Phoebe Fang - Makeup
Annie Suo - Makeup
Jennifer Zhen - Hair/Makeup
Wendy Huang: Hostess/Queen/Joanne/Harold
Elaine Ma: Prioress/Dorigen/Agnes
Sky Xu: Pardoner/Fox/Aurelius
Emily Ge: Franklin/Pertelote
Thalia Chen*(Teacher): Wife of Bath/Bertha
Mario Hong: Reeve/Chanticleer/Astronomer
Steven Wang: Miller/Knight
Michael Di: King/Jacob
Carol Ni: Cook/Mary/Dorigen’s Friend 1
Flora Wu: Waitress/Eve/Dorigen’s Friend 2
Jenny Zhen: Arviragus/Waitress
Amanda Du*(Teacher): Lady Death
Theatre Education for a Larger Stage

During the final rehearsal, one student shared, "This performance was rehearsed repeatedly by the students through extra time on Fridays in addition to their daily classes, and finally achieved a perfect performance." Having no history of previous performances and no established “troupe” of student performers, the drama department started from the ground up, beginning with open auditions at the beginning of the semester. The show was not actually chosen until the end of March, giving the group just two months to prepare. Towards the end, faculty members in the English Division were added to help round out the cast and provide technical support to the production.
In LYBS High School’s English Division, students take drama classes from Grade 8 onward. The importance of the class, both in public education and international education, is self-evident in the role it plays in the holistic education.

By applying the elements of drama, students can achieve their learning goals and outcomes through practicing, appreciate the meaning of knowledge through feelings, and discover possibilities and create new meanings through mutual communication.

Especially at the high school level, students' abilities are tested by their deep understanding of literature and language expression. Drama teacher Thomas shared after the public performance, "Drama classes are actually the most challenging of the high school curriculum; the building of professional English vocabulary, courageous expression or impromptu speaking skills, the skills learned can be of lifelong use in their lives." In Europe and the United States, educational drama is a very important method of teaching and learning that develops the student and their abilities, and is even considered to be an essential teaching tool.
Let's all look forward to more drama performances in the future, presenting the best side of students’ holistic education, and helping them to move to the next stage of life.